Die Hamburger trafen sich beim Elbgold in den Schanzenhöfen. Ab halb Zehn füllte sich der Platz vor dem Café und am Ende waren's wohl so um die 80 Teilnehmer die sich bei einstelligen Temperaturen in Schale geworfen hatten und sich bereit machten etwas Musik in die Stadt zu tragen.
... the official homepage is of course gentlemansride.
The contributors from Hamburg met at the Elbgold café. From half past nine onwards more and more riders were showing up. In the end there were around 80 ladies and gentlemen ready to carry some music through town.
The contributors from Hamburg met at the Elbgold café. From half past nine onwards more and more riders were showing up. In the end there were around 80 ladies and gentlemen ready to carry some music through town.
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